Notecard Guides
The Notecard is a wireless IoT device that helps connect your edge solution to cloud applications. Below you'll find guides to help you use the Notecard in different scenarios, and guides that can help you configure the Notecard for your projects.
Asset Tracking: Learn how to configure your Notecard as an asset tracker.
Attention Pin Guide: Learn how to configure your Notecard to alert your embedded application as soon as it receives new information.
Debugging with the FTDI Debug Cable: Learn how to debug your Notecard without needing to plug it into a computer.
Diagnosing Cellular Connectivity Issues: Learn how to diagnose and resolve a variety of cellular connectivity issues with the Notecard.
Encrypting and Decrypting Data with the Notecard: Learn how to add an additional layer of security between your host application and your cloud app.
Minimizing Latency: Learn about your options for minimizing the latency between Notehub and your Notecards.
Recovering a Bricked Notecard: Learn how to manually recover a non-responsive Notecard.
Remote Command and Control: Learn how to send commands to a Notecard from the cloud.
Serial-Over-I2C Protocol: Learn about the Blues Serial-over-I2C protocol and how it affects your projects.
Sending and Receiving Large Binary Objects: Learn how to both send and receive large binary objects.
Understanding Notecard Penalty Boxes: Learn why a Notecard may be placed in a penalty box, and under which conditions a Notecard may be removed from a penalty box.
Understanding Environment Variables: Learn how to work with environment variables, including how to apply variables at the device, fleet, or project level.
Updating ESP32 Host Firmware: Learn how you can update issue over-the-air firmware updates for ESP32 host devices.
Using External SIM Cards: Learn how to use external SIM cards with your Notecard.
Using JSONata to Transform JSON: Learn how to use JSONata, a JSON query and transformation language, to transform your Notecard-generated JSON.