Cell+WiFi Quickstart
Welcome to Blues! Our tutorials below help you get up and running with a Blues Cell+WiFi Starter Kit. If you run into any problems, or have any questions along the way, feel free to reach out in our forum.

1. Use the Notecard to Send Data
Learn how to connect to the Notecard, how to set up the Notecard’s companion cloud backend, Notehub, and how to start working with data.
Start the Notecard Quickstart
2. Set Up Your Microcontroller
Learn how to set up the Blues Swan included in your Starter Kit. After this step you'll be ready to communicate with the Notecard from an MCU.
Set Up Your Blues Swan
3. Build Your First IoT App With Blues
Learn how to write firmware using the Notecard SDKs. You'll collect temperature and humidity readings and send them to the cloud at a regular interval.
Build Your First App4. Send Data to Your Cloud
Learn about Notehub routes, which allow you to securely send your data from Notehub to your cloud of choice.
Route Data to Your CloudNext Steps
Now that you know the basics of how the Notecard and Notehub work, you’re ready to apply what you’ve learned towards a real project. We have a few recommendations on what to do next:
Learn Best Practices for Production Projects: This skimmable guide has a list of best practices for moving your project from a prototype to a real, production-ready deployment.
Browse Examples Apps: Our collection of apps that show how to build common projects with Blues. These example apps include dozens of official Blues project accelerators, a collection of purpose-built sample apps, and a huge set of projects from our community.
Join the Community Forum: The Blues community forum is a great place to ask questions as you start developing your first project, and to get involved with the Blues community.